Asayama Ichiden-ryu (Asayama Ichiden-ryū, 浅山一伝流) was created in 1566. While the school also teaches the use of various weapons, we focus mainly on its jujutsu part - hand-to-hand combat
Asayama Ichiden-ryu Taijutsu
For Asayama Ichiden-ryu, we follow the teachings of Nakashima Atsumi sensei and are a member of the Koryu Bujutsu Rengo Kai (KBRK).
Dr. Nakashima Atsumi
Menkyo Kaiden
It is supposed that Asayama Ichiden-ryu was founded by Asayama Ichidensai Shigetatsu (浅山一伝斎重晨) in 2566 during the late Muromachi period (ca. 1336 - 1573). Regardless of whether it was developed through divine inspiration or based on other techniques, the school spread from the Aiza region throughout all of Japan..
During the 20th century, when the succession after Ueno Takeshi (1899 - 1976) was unclear, some high ranking students established different branches of this martial art and thus, there is no single head of the school.
While many branches of the Asayama Ichiden-ryu focus on the kenjutsu part (sword fighting), we study the jujutsu apsect of this ancient tradition, i.e. the Chi no Maki - the “Scroll of Earth”.
The Chi no Maki (地之巻) is divided into six sections. The following list displays part of these sections as well as the names of individual techniques:
- hiki otoshi
引落 - kakaekomi
抱込 - kote gaeshi
小手返 - hire chigai
入違 - sarute nage
猿手役 - ryote dori
両手取 - ryo muna dori
両胸取 - kasumi gaeshi
霞返 - setsu boku
折木 - uchi otoshi
打落 - hiki chigai
行違 - eri biki
- hittate
引立 - marumi
丸身 - gyaku te nage
逆手役 - mo jiri gaeshi
もじり返 - ichi monji
一文字 - gyaku muna dori
逆胸取 - eri jime
衿締 - mae kata dori
前房取 - tsuri gane
釣鐘 - uchikomi no kakae
打込之押 - kaeri nage
帰投 - san miaku dori
- mae morote
前双手 - katate jime
片手締 - gyaku tora gaeshi
逆宙返 - uchikomi no osae
打込之押 - tsuiu gaeshi
霞返 - ushiro morote
後双手 - yoko iki otoshi
横引落 - koshi gaeshi
腰返 - kansetsu nage
関節投 - hagai
翼締 - kubi nage
首投 - ushiro kata dori