In 2007, lessons in Katori Shinto-ryu and Hoki-ryu were offered in the course of the University of Bonn's sport's program by Dr. Andrea Raccanelli for the first time at a German university. Shortly after, he and part of his students founded the Kobukan Bonn (古武館 ボン). Since 2011, we are a registered non-profit organization with the goal of preserving and promoting Japanese koryu.
To achieve this, we regularly invite our Japanese masters as well as European teachers to Bonn or participate in international seminars.
Additionally we are part of the Koryu Bujutsu Rengo Kai (古流武術連合会), a japanese association also dedicated to the preservation of traditional martial arts, combining a number of different ryuha under it's roof.
While our training was focused on the university's sport's program for a long time, we've recently started to expand our association's internal training. This way, we are also able to provide a possibility to train outside the sport's program, especially for those who would not be able to participate otherwise.