Hoki-ryu Iaido

Hoki-ryu (Hōki-ryū, 伯耆流) is a traditional sword school from the 17th century. It focuses on rapidly drawing the sword (iai) as a reaction to an attack. This is trained both in single and partnered practice with wooden and metal swords.

“Nakazono-ha” was added to the name of the school by Kumai sensei in 2012 to show respect for his own teacher, Nakazono Yoshio, on the one hand, and to specify our style of Hoki-ryu, on the other, since it differs from that of other groups in some aspects. For more information on these differences, please refer to the following paragraphs on “Organisation” and “Curriculum”.

Due to its history, the Hoki-ryu does not have a single leader. Most of the groups still practicing nowadays derive from the tradition passed on by the Hoshino family from Kumamoto, and are more or less independent from each other. A common foundation, however, are the 15 basic forms, which are practiced similarly across all groups.

The line of Hoki-ryu which we follow is headed by Kumai Kazuhiko sensei, with whom we maintain frequent contact. The training for the Kobukan Bonn is led by Dr. Andrea Raccanelli - one of the seven Shihan who have been appointed by Kumai sensei.


Kumai Kazuhiko
Hanshi, 8. Dan (DNBK, formerly)

Hoki-ryu in Europe:



When Kumai Sensei left the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai, where he was a member of the Senior Standing Board of Directors, holding the title Hanshi and the 8th Dan, he decided in 2012 to reorder the organisation of his students. He introduced the title of shihan - for those who are officially allowed to teach the art - and simplified the former Dan-system into three ranks, each representing different steps in the study.


equiv. to 1. - 3. Dan
equiv. to 4. - 6. Dan
equiv. to 7. - 9. Dan


The curriculum taught by Kumai Sensei includes the 15 basic kata (6 omote and 9 chuden) and a small number of okuden kata, teaching how to draw and cut from sitting (seiza, tatehiza) and standing (tachiwaza) positions, as well as 9 forms of their application (kumitachi), which are practiced in pairs.


  1. Kiri tsuke
    切付 - draw and cut
  2. Kote giri
    小手切 - cut the wrist
  3. Nuki dome
    抜留 - stop the draw
  4. Osae nuki
    押え抜 - block and cut
  5. Tsuki dome
    突留 - stop the lunge
  6. Shiho kanegiri
    四方金切 - cut in four directions


  1. Hiza zume
    膝詰 - between the knees
  2. Okkake nuki
    追掛抜 - persue and draw
  3. Kaeri nuki
    返り抜 - turn and draw
  4. Kissaki gaeshi
    切先返 - turn the kissaki
  5. Muko zume
    向詰 - close in front
  6. Issa soku
    一作足 - one quick movement
  7. Mune no katana
    胸之刀 - sword to the chest
  8. Naga roka
    長廊下 - long corridor
  9. Shiho zume
    四方詰 - surrounded on four sides

Kumitachi (Ohen Hakkyoku)
組太刀 (応変八極)

  1. Koran (nami gaeshi) muko no tachi
    虎乱 (波返し) 向の太刀
  2. Saryu (saza nami) hidari zure
    左龍 (漣波) 左連
  3. Sha (yosu nami) yuki chigai
    車 (寄波) 往き違い
  4. Ko zan (hiku nami) shintai jinin
    甲山 (引波) 進退自任
  5. Sa hutsu (iwa nami) taki giri
    左払 (岩波) 瀧切り
  6. U hatsu (yoko nami) tsure tachi
    右発 (横波) 連れ立ち
  7. Garyu (uzu nami) oikaze
    臥龍 (渦波) 追風
  8. Seigan (sai ha) sei fu
    正眼 (砕波) 静風
  9. Konyu (en pa) ryu fu
    虎入 (円波) 柳風